Wrapping HttpContextBase for Dependency Injection

January 28, 2009

I wanted to remove my controllers’ dependencies on HttpContext. I don’t know about anyone else, but having to set a fake context in all my unit tests was driving me nuts. Yeah, sure, Stephen Walther’s Fake Contexts are great, but they’re just another piece of friction in the unit test. What I currently need to access the HttpContext for is to get the authenticated user, as I was talking about in my last post. I ended up with my SessionController looking like this:

public class SessionController : Controller
	public ViewResult Authentication()
		Authentication auth = 
		  new Authentication(ControllerContext.HttpContext.User);
		return View(auth);

Okay, time to split that dependency out of there. First off, I create a simple User class to represent a user and altered the Authentication class to take an instance of that rather than IPrincipal to further divorce my app logic from the underlying framework. I can now define an interface to represent the session:

public interface ISession
	User AuthenticatedUser();

This is currently all I need to know about the session, so I’ve followed the YAGNI principle and left the interface at that for now. I’ve got two implementations for this interface, first up is FakeSession for testing purposes:

class FakeSession : ISession
	private User mAuthenticatedUser;
	public void Unauthorise()
	{ mAuthenticatedUser = null; }
	public void AuthoriseAs(User authedUser)
	{ mAuthenticatedUser = authedUser; }

	#region ISession Members

	public JkEditingHub.Models.User AuthenticatedUser()
		return mAuthenticatedUser;


This is pretty simple and allows me to set who is logged in with ease.

The other implementation simply wraps the HttpContextBase that the controller will know about:

public class AspSession : ISession
	public AspSession(HttpContextBase context)
		mContext = context;

	private HttpContextBase mContext;

	public User AuthenticatedUser()
		if (!mContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
		{ return null; }

		return new User(mContext.User.Identity.Name);

Great, now all I need to do is inject the ISession into any controllers that need it. I’m using constructor injection, so SessionController now looks like this:

public class SessionController : Controller
	public SessionController(ISession session)
		mSession = session;

	private ISession mSession;

	public ViewResult Authentication()
		Authentication auth =
		  new Authentication(mSession.AuthenticatedUser());
		return View(auth);

Okay, now all I have to do is get StructureMap to use AspSession as its default for ISession. In my bootstrapping code I can do this:

ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
	// Other registrations...

Great, no problem here. But how can I tell StructureMap which object to use for the HttpContextBase argument in the AspSession constructor, when that is going to be a specific instance that is different each time and not available when I’m bootstrapping? Fortunately, this is very very easy and doesn’t require going much beyond the very basic use I’ve so far made of StructureMap. In my ControllerFactory I am using StructureMap to create the instances of controllers:

protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType)
	return (IController)ObjectFactory.GetInstance(controllerType);

The ControllerFactory has a handle to the RequestContext which contains the HttpContext for the request. All we need to do is tell StructureMap that if it requires an HttpContextBase, then use this object by using the With<T>(T arg) method. As I said, not at all advanced usage by any measure:

protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType)
	return (IController)ObjectFactory

Sub-Controllers, PartialRequests and Separating Views From Controllers

January 26, 2009

Earlier, I blogged about an alternative to sub-controllers. That post wasn’t about sub-controllers being rubbish, rather that the problem I was trying to solve wasn’t the same as the problem that sub-controllers were meant to solve.

Recently, I’ve been looking at another problem in my code: all the stuff that has to appear on every page. Currently this is confined mostly to the login box that appears on the top right. When you’re not authenticated, it shows as a login form. When you are authenticated, it displays who you’re logged in as and gives you a logout link.

As this appears on every page, it’s defined in the master page and every controller has to return a model with the appropriate data in it. My post on DRYing out my unit tests showed one aspect of my solution to this. I defined a MasterPageData class that held all the models required for the master page to work, and derived from this a PageData<TModel> that also supplied a model that the page worked on. All my views were then able to access the (strongly-typed) model and the master page could access all the information (also strongly-typed) it needed too.

That just left how to populate the data. To do this, I defined two overloads of a new method JkhubView() in my base controller to be used in place of View(), one that took no arguments and returned a ViewResult<MasterPageData>, the other was a generic method that took a TModel and returned a ViewResult<PageData<TModel>>. Both of these methods populated the data in the MasterPageData object with the appropriate information.

This works. Every controller action calls one of the overloads of the JkhubView method and the strongly typed master page gets the data it needs. However, it’s not great for the following reason:

Every controller action makes an assumption about the view that will render its result.

That is, it assumes that the view will require this data about whether the user is logged in or not. This is completely irrelevant to a controller action that, for example, generates a list of a user’s projects. I’m keen to get the separation of controllers and views right. What’s the point in using an MVC framework if you’re going to mash everything up together anyway? I’ve pondered the question of what belongs in the controller and what belongs in the view before.

When I had decided that this just wasn’t the right thing for the controller to be concerned about, I decided to have an investigate of sub-controllers. I got the MVC Contrib project hooked up to my application, re-read Matt Hinze’s blog post on the subject and started creating my sub controller and view for the session status. Great, this is gonna be cool. Right then, let’s wire this up to my pages: all I need to do is… wait, I pass the sub-controller to my controller action to place it in the ViewData?

Okay, first off, I don’t like using the ViewData. I much prefer a strongly typed model to give me everything I need (that’s why I’ve got the MasterPageData class floating about). So that’s a bit sucky.

But more than that. The controller action is still making that same assumption about what the view is going to need. Sucky.

Okay, not to worry, I recall reading about an alternative approach to this problem. Steve Sanderson posted a neat little trick to fire off another request to the MVC pipeline. The only problem with his implementation is that his controllers are creating the PartialRequest and stuffing it in the ViewData again. Those were my two sticking points with sub-controllers! However, a quick modification to the HtmlHelper extension he suggests allows the View to create the PartialRequest inline:

public static void RenderPartialRequest(this HtmlHelper helper, string controller, string action)
	PartialRequest request = new PartialRequest(new { controller, action });

Instead of passing the ViewData’s key, we tell the extension method which Controller and Action to create the request for. I’ve not yet found any downsides to this over creating the PartialRequest in the controller. I may find some issues when I come to look at the partial output caching that Steve blogs about in his next post, so as with all things I’m building here, this advice is subject to change without warning.

Writing HtmlHelper extension methods

January 19, 2009

I’ve created some pretty crazy routes for my ASP.NET MVC application, requiring some overly verbose calls to the RouteLink method in my views:

<% foreach (var p in Model.ProjectList)
{ %>
	<li><%= Html.RouteLink(
		new RouteValueDictionary(
			new { controller = "Projects",
				editorRef = p.ProjectOwner.EditorName,
				projectRef = p.ProjectRef }),
		new RouteValueDictionary())%></li>
<% } %>

That’s what I need to do to get a link to a project’s home page. Which, given the site is all about hosting these projects, I’m going to want to do quite a lot.

The answer is to provide my own helper methods for the views. The RouteLink method is defined as an extension method to the HtmlHelper class, which means that it is easy to make your own methods to augment the set supplied by the framework. The advantage is that you can make your methods domain-aware. If I want to have a link to a project page, I can simply create an extension method that takes an instance of a project:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
	public static string GenerateProjectLink(
		this HtmlHelper helper,
		ProjectPresenter project)
		return helper.RouteLink(
			new RouteValueDictionary(
				new { controller = "Projects",
					editorRef = project.ProjectOwner.EditorName,
					projectRef = project.ProjectRef }),
			new RouteValueDictionary());

I don’t need to worry about constructing the HTML for the link by hand, I can still use the supplied helper methods under the hood, but I save my views from being polluted with wiring details, as well as being more DRY. The view now looks like this:

<% foreach (var p in Model.ProjectList)
{ %>
	<li><%= Html.GenerateProjectLink(p) %></li>
<% } %>

This is more readable. Before you would have had to ferret around a bit to work out what the link was for. Now the method name clearly tells you that it is generating a project link. You don’t need to mentally duplicate the work of the routing mechanism to figure out where that request is going to end up.

Hierarchical Controllers in ASP.NET MVC

January 9, 2009

When I read that Jeffrey Palermo had added sub-controllers to ASP.NET MVC, I hoped that it would be the exact solution I was looking for in my app. Unfortunately, the sub-controllers in this context meant something different to what I understood when I first read the term.

What I wanted is perhaps better named “Hierarchical Controllers”. The common pattern with ASP.NET MVC is to have a controller for each of your entities. However, my domain has some entities that “own” other entities in such a manner that accessing those owned entities at the top level didn’t make sense.

Here’s the concrete example. I have an entity that represents a project. Anyone on that project may post a project news item. Instead of having urls like this:


I wanted to route them like this:


Not a problem, you might think, just define a new route for the news item display


I initially started out with that, but it became apparent that it fit better with ASP.NET MVC’s convention-over-configuration paradigm to be able to just create a new controller with the name like {toplevelentity}_{subentity}Controller and have things wired up automatically for me. Here’s what I came up with:

First off, define my route:

	new { topId = "", subController = "Home", action = "Index", subId = "" }

If subController is defined, we want to return a different type of controller than ASP.NET MVC will get by default, so we need a custom ControllerFactory:

public class MyControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
	protected override Type GetControllerType(string controllerName)
		object subControllerName;
		if (RequestContext != null
			&& RequestContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue("subController", out subControllerName))
			return base.GetControllerType(String.Format("{0}_{1}", controllerName, (string)subControllerName));
		return base.GetControllerType(controllerName);

Don’t forget to register this in Global.asax:

protected void Application_Start()
	ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MyControllerFactory());

This will call the correct controller if you follow the new convention. However, it messes up when identifying the view.

I opted for the convention here of placing the views in the same folder as those for the top-level controller and naming them {subController}_{action} rather than just {action}. To get this working, we need to subclass the default WebFormViewEngine:

public class MyWebFormViewEngine : WebFormViewEngine
	public override ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName)
		object subControllerName;
		if (controllerContext != null
			&& controllerContext.RouteData.Values.TryGetValue("subController", out subControllerName))
			return base.FindView(
				String.Format("{0}_{1}", (string)subControllerName, viewName),
		return base.FindView(controllerContext, viewName, masterName);

And, again, register it in Global.asax:

protected void Application_Start()
	ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new MyControllerFactory());
	ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new MyWebFormViewEngine());